Sunday, October 14, 2012

Read Tibetan Ebooks On Android WITHOUT ROOTING

In my previous post I have posted detailed steps on reading Tibetan EBooks (Epub) on Nook Touch. Now, I have been able to do the same on Android based phones and Tablet without rooting.

Procedure is pretty simple:

1- Install Duokan Reader.
2- Download and install Jomolhari Font on Duokan Reader.
3- Update the installed Jomolhari Font on Duokan Reader.
4- Download and load the *Tibetan Epub on Duokan Reader app.

1- Install Dokun Reader.

Use this link to download and install the Duokan Ebook Reader Application on your Android based phones and Tablet.

*Update: Because of recent update from the Dokun Reader's developers. The latest version of the Dokun Reader no longer support the Tibetan Font. So we are left with no option other then to side load it.

2- Download and install Jomolhari Font on Duokan Reader:
    1- Use this link to download Jomolhari Font.
    2- Launch the Duokan Reader and exit it so that it can create the Duokan folder on your phone.
    2- Now copy the Jomolhari Font which you just downloaded and place it in your Android device.
    You will need to navigate to DuoKan > Resources > Font and place the font on the Font folder.

3- Update the installed Jomolhari Font on Duokan Reader.

   1- Launch the Duokan Ebook Reader on your Android Phones / Tablet.

   2- Tap on the Chinese book.

   3- Now tap on the center of your Android Phone / Tablet to evoke the settings page and tap on the settings.

  4- Now, scroll down and tap on the Chinese.

  5- Tap on the Jomolhari and exit the Duokan Reader.

  6- Download and load the Tibetan Epub on Duokan Reader app:

   1- Use this link to download to Tibetan Epub files which I have specially formatted for Android based devices.

   2- Now you can add Tibetan Epub's on Duokan Reader simply by doube taping on the Epub files or adding it by taping on the "Local" button on the Duokan Reader.

Lastly, please do remember that you will need to use the Jomolhari Font to create / edit the text, convert the text from Unicode Tibetan to precomposed Tibetan (SetA) using Babelpad.
This is only option through which we can render the Tibetan correctly till Google adds the Complex Text Layout support to Android

**Update, now you can use the Google Play Book App to read the Tibetan Ebooks which are converted to precomposed Tibetan (SetA). But Duokan is still faster and render the text better then the every thing else.

Enjoy reading....

Some screenshots:


Iron Rabbit said...

Great post, and glad to see more Tibetan on Android tricks!

You can also use the FBReader app in this way. It loads fonts from /sdcard/fonts

It is in Google Play and open-source:

If you install the new Monlam Tibetan-Eng Dictionary, it will install Jomolhari, Monlam, Tibetan Unicode and other fonts to /sdcard/Fonts for you.

buddhatux said...

Iron Rabbit:
I have checked a lot of Ebook Reader apps and none of them stand even close to Duokan Reader. Just checkout the link (screenshots ) below and you will see the diffrence..

Iron Rabbit said...

Yes, Duokon is definitely a more beautiful renderer than FBReader. However, our point was to show another option which *can* support Tibetan without rooting. Maybe FBReader can even support Tibetan directly with no configuration or precomposing in Babelpad!

Also, we Rabbits always prefer open-source code to a closed-source, Chinese company app. =;P

buddhatux said...

I got your point but our brothers from China has created a app that is soo beautiful, render Tibetan well and beat the shit out of ugly FBReader. So I prefer to choose stuffs what works rather then go the way of Richard Stallman every time I want to use a app.
As for the FBReader supporting Tibetan directly with no configuration or precomposing in Babelpad. There is no other way, as Android lacks the CTL (Complex Text Layout). Untill Google add the CTL in Android, we have to do all the extra crap to accomplish a simple task.

Tashi Tsering Nangpa said...

Hey monlam..i hav followed all ur instructions and m glad to inform u that its working wonderful. Thank u bro. Keep the gud work going....
Tashi tsering bhutan

buddhatux said...

You are welcome, this technique works on Android 2.2 and above. I have tested it on Motorola Defy +, Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy Ace, S2, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 P3100, Samsung Galaxy Note 800. Do let me know which device you are using...

Iron Rabbit said...

>There is no other way, as Android lacks the CTL >>(Complex Text Layout). Untill Google add the CTL in >Android, we have to do all the extra crap to >accomplish a simple task.

If you look at the Monlam Dictionary, TibTxt and Tibetan Pad apps we Rabbits made, you will see it handles the precomposing directly in the app using code in the app. We will release TibReader soon based on FBReader, and it will not need Babelpad. There is *always* another way.

buddhatux said...

Iron Rabbit: Glad to hear that you guys are working on Ebook reader which will i hope make reading Tibetan ebooks bit easier. It will be a day when I can grab any Tibetan Ebook and go my marry way. Keep the good work going n do send me apk of the app so that I can test it.
Ps: I am no big Tibetan Ebook reader myself but I do use it to read Tibetan prayer book (Shaldon Pacha). How cool is that :)

Unknown said...

This is really very nice and useful information shared here. I want to say that there are so many of Ereader apps available online which you can use in android phone. Throughout google search you can easily get number of reader apps for Android.


Tashi Tsering Nangpa said...

Hi monlam... plz do leme know if its compatible with the jellybean firmwire as I tried it with two different set with anriod 4.1.2 but its not working despite following the same procedure. Thank u
Tashi tsering

buddhatux said...

Because of some unknown reason latest version of Dokun Reader from Pay Store doesn't work however version 1.9.1 works ok. Uninstall the Dokun Reader and download and install it from this link:

Angel Rio said...

The superb highly informative blog I’m about to share this with all my ebooks

buddhatux said...

Glad that it helped, there is a bit of good news for Tibetan support on Android. With the recent launch of Android 6.0. Now Tibetan is baked into the andriod core and we no longer have to muck around to read or write Tibetan on Android. Rendering is not as polished as dokun reader but it's ok..

buddhatux said...

Glad that it helped, there is a bit of good news for Tibetan support on Android. With the recent launch of Android 6.0. Now Tibetan is baked into the andriod core and we no longer have to muck around to read or write Tibetan on Android. Rendering is not as polished as dokun reader but it's ok..

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